Volunteer Opportunities FAQs
Your questions about becoming a VCCU volunteer answered.

Volunteer Opportunities FAQs
When running for a vacant volunteer position all that is required of you is to be a member in good standing and to file a nominations petition when asked to do so.
Each year the Board of Directors appoints a nominating committee who will review a list of nominees and select the individual(s) who possess the skills and experience necessary for the position.
Volunteers must maintain a balanced focus on serving member needs while preserving the financial strength and long term viability of the credit union. Below are some important factors to consider "prior" to becoming a credit union volunteer:
- Be familiar with credit union products and services.
- Understand the economics and social conditions affecting the credit union.
- Be committed to attending scheduled meetings and educational programs offered by the credit union.
- Be a member in good standing and utilize VCCU for your primary financial accounts.
- Act as an ambassador for your credit union. Pay attention to the needs and wants of fellow members as well as the community at large, and report your findings to credit union management.